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Common Ninja Platform News: Storage API | Payment Trials | Webhooks Management

Daniel Sternlicht,
Common Ninja Platform News: Storage API | Payment Trials | Webhooks Management

We are very excited to share with you recent news and updates related to our developer platform.

This month we announce the new Storage API, full support in payment trials, and a brand new webhooks management tool.

Just to remind you, the Common Ninja Developer Platform allows you to build & monetize apps for e-commerce platforms very easily. With our universal e-commerce API, you can build your app once, and integrate it with multiple platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, Wix, WooCommerce, and more. There’s no need to rebuild the app and make it work on every platform individually.

What’s New?

  • Storage API
  • Payment trials support
  • Webhooks management tool

Storage API

Earlier this month we announced the new Storage API and platform integrations – an easy way for adding storage capabilities to any e-commerce app.

The new API is simple and you can decide whether you want Common Ninja to manage your storage, or to integrate it with your own AWS S3 bucket.

We wrote a detailed article about the motivation behind it as well as how to start using it. See below:

Payment Trials

Last month we introduced the new payments capabilities that will allow you to seamlessly monetize your app by connecting it to popular payments platforms like Stripe, PayPal, Paddle, BlueSnap, and Shopify app payments solution.

With Payments, you can create payment plans and set the amount and period you want to charge your users.

A new feature that we added is payment trials that enable you to set time so your users will be able to test your app for free before they start paying.

Webhooks Management Tool

One of the most difficult things to track and debug when you’re developing an app is webhook messages that are being sent by 3rd party platform and being received by your server. This is why we developed the new Webhooks Management Tool. With the new tool you can:

  • Create multiple webhooks
  • Resend webhook messages
  • View messages’ payload, request, status code, and error.

The new tool is available under the “Webhooks” menu item in the Common Ninja app’s dashboard.