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Corner Pop-up Builder for Wix

Floating pop-ups offering endless creative possibilities

Create a Corner Pop-up Builder

loved by 500K+ creators


Why Should You Use the Corner Pop-up Builder Widget+?

Enhanced User Experience

The Wix Corner Pop-Up Builder is designed with the website visitor in mind. Instead of bombarding them with full-screen pop-ups, this Wix app offers a more subtle approach. By placing content in the corner of the Wix website, you can share important information without disrupting the browsing flow. This delicate balance ensures that visitors aren't overwhelmed, potentially leading to better user retention and reduced bounce rates.

Creative Freedom

With the Wix Corner Pop-Up Builder, you are not limited in your design choices. You have the freedom to design corner pop-ups that reflect your brand's unique style and voice. This means every pop-up can be a creative expression, tailored to fit the aesthetics and message of your Wix website.

Versatile Content Integration

The Wix Floating Corner PopUp Builder isn't just for text. You can integrate various types of content and media into your corner pop-ups. Whether it's images, videos, or interactive elements, this Wix app provides the flexibility to be as creative as one wishes, enhancing the website's dynamic appeal.

Multiple Floating Corner Pop-up Layouts

The Wix Corner Pop-up Builder offers an array of diverse layouts, ensuring there's a perfect fit for every Wix website design. By selecting an appropriate layout, you can ensure your Wix website retains its unified and appealing aesthetic.

Corner Pop-up Builder - Multiple Floating Corner Pop-up Layouts

Flexible Corner Placement Options

Positioning is effortless with the Corner Pop-up Builder for Wix. Whether it's the left, center, or right corner, you have the flexibility to choose the ideal spot. This adaptability ensures the pop-up complements the Wix website's layout and doesn't obstruct crucial content.

Corner Pop-up Builder - Flexible Corner Placement Options

Element Flexibility and Customization

The Wix Corner Pop-up Builder offers unparalleled design freedom. Incorporate various elements like headlines, sub-headlines, text blocks, and visuals, arranging them to convey your message effectively. The builder's flexibility ensures your pop-up aligns with your communication goals.

Corner Pop-up Builder - Element Flexibility and Customization

Elevate Your Wix's Corner Pop-ups with Embedded Features

With the Wix Corner Pop-up Builder, you're not limited to just text and visuals. It's designed to integrate other apps, be it countdown timers, sliders, or any other feature available on Common Ninja. This capability transforms your corner pop-ups into multi-functional tools, enhancing your Wix website's interactivity and dynamism.

Corner Pop-up Builder - Elevate Your Wix's Corner Pop-ups with Embedded Features

Stylish Skins at Your Fingertips

The Wix Corner Pop-up Builder boasts a selection of pre-designed skins, enabling you to infuse style into your corner pop-ups without delving deep into customization. Pick a skin that resonates with your brand's aesthetic, and you're set.

Corner Pop-up Builder - Stylish Skins at Your Fingertips
Corner Pop-up Builder - Adaptive Content Display

Adaptive Content Display

With the Wix Corner Pop-up Builder, tailor your pop-up content to dynamically adapt based on visitor interactions or set criteria. This introduces a layer of personalization to your corner pop-ups, elevating the user experience and fostering increased engagement.

Corner Pop-up Builder - Tailored Pop-up Display Timing

Tailored Pop-up Display Timing

Dictate the timing of your floating pop-ups using the builder's adaptable timing feature. Whether you want it to manifest instantly upon page load, after a specific duration, or as a visitor contemplates exiting, you have the strategic advantage of guiding user interactions.

Corner Pop-up Builder - User-Friendly Wix Pop-up Creation

User-Friendly Wix Pop-up Creation

Crafting your ideal corner pop-up is straightforward with the Wix Corner Pop-up Builder. There's no need for coding expertise; its intuitive drag-and-drop interface facilitates effortless customization, bringing your vision to life in mere moments.

Fully Customizable Wix Corner pop-up builder

The Wix Corner Pop-up Builder is a haven for customization. From colors and fonts to spacing, you have the tools to make the pop-up truly your own. Every detail can be fine-tuned to align with your Wix website's unique design and branding.

Corner Pop-up Builder - Fully Customizable Wix Corner pop-up builder

Perfectly responsive display on Any Device

The Wix Corner Pop-up Builder is engineered for full responsiveness, guaranteeing your pop-ups maintain their allure across devices. In an era that values mobile optimization, this feature ensures you deliver a consistent user experience, irrespective of the device in use.

Corner Pop-up Builder - Perfectly responsive display on Any Device

Get Creative with Custom CSS

In line with Common Ninja's suite of apps, the Wix Corner Pop-up Builder empowers you with custom CSS capabilities. This feature grants you the liberty to infuse a personal touch, allowing for even more inventive pop-up designs.

Corner Pop-up Builder - Get Creative with Custom CSS

Simple Integration on Wix websites

Integrating the corner pop-up app you've crafted with the builder into your Wix website is a cinch. It's as straightforward as copying and pasting a singular code line. Moreover, any modifications made within the builder are instantaneously reflected on your Wix website, ensuring your pop-ups remain current without additional exertion.

Corner Pop-up Builder - Simple Integration on Wix websites

Compatible With All Site Builders, E-Commerce Platforms and Websites

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