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How To Build a Website With Kartra — Full Guide

Sergei Davidov,
How To Build a Website With Kartra — Full Guide

These days, having a robust online presence is crucial for businesses and entrepreneurs alike. A well-designed website can serve as the cornerstone of your digital marketing strategy, providing a platform to showcase your products or services, engage with your audience, and drive conversions

Kartra, an all-in-one marketing platform, offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to simplify the process of building and managing a professional website. Whether you're looking to create an online store, a landing page for your latest campaign, or a full-fledged business site, Kartra provides a user-friendly interface and a plethora of features to bring your vision to life. 

In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to build a website with Kartra from scratch. By the end of this guide, you'll have a fully functional Kartra website ready to captivate your audience and elevate your online presence.

What Is Kartra?

Kartra is an all-in-one online marketing platform designed to help businesses and entrepreneurs create, launch, and manage their online presence efficiently. It combines a wide range of marketing tools and features into a single, integrated solution, eliminating the need for multiple, disparate software services. 

With Kartra, users can easily build websites, landing pages, sales funnels, and e-commerce stores. It also offers email marketing capabilities, membership site creation, video hosting, lead capture forms, and analytics to track and optimize performance.

Kartra's key advantage lies in its comprehensive suite of tools that are seamlessly integrated, allowing for a streamlined workflow and a unified approach to online marketing. 

This makes it an attractive option for those looking to manage all aspects of their online marketing from one platform, whether they are seasoned marketers or new to the digital space. Kartra aims to simplify the technical aspects of online marketing, making it accessible to users with varying levels of expertise.

Building a Website With Kartra

Sign Up

To start, go to Kartra’s homepage and either get the free trial or get started with the paid plan. 

Select a Template

Once you’ve signed up, you’ll be greeted by Kartra’s dashboard: 

There are lots of features on this platform, and we’ll cover some of them in more detail, for now, to start creating and editing your pages, go to the Pages tab:

Once there, you can start adding new pages by clicking on the large “+” sign on the right, at the bottom. 

Once you’ve licked on it, you’ll get a chance to choose from the many templates (all organized by categories and even color), or, you could start from a blank page if you have a particular design in mind: 

Start Editing

Either way, once done, you’ll be taken to the page editor. Where there will be a lovely, in-depth tutorial that walks you through all of the aspects of the editor. We won’t go into too much detail as the tutorial covers it all. Suffice it to say that all the editing is done via the top bar and the sidebar and through a simple and easy drag-and-drop mechanism. 

Each option on the sidebar opens another submenu with further elements to select from

There are lots of powerful inbuilt features within the editor, such as SEO, autosave, popups, an alert bar, and additional components such as videos, countdowns, surveys, webinar options, and much more. 

This is also where you save your pages and publish them when you are done: 

While the editor is very powerful, the dashboard has even more powerful features for you to choose from. 

For example, the “Products” tab allows you to create an e-commerce website with ease. 

Here, you can add products, track them, view analytics, and add and check on affiliates. 

The “Communications” tab allows you to set a lead generation funnel and manage it from one place

The “Pages” tab, apart from allowing you to add new pages, has a nifty little feature — the “split testing” feature. 

In essence, it allows you to do A/B tests to determine which of your pages has more effect on your conversions, views, or whatever other metric you decide to check. 

Another powerful feature is the “Membership” tab. It allows you to create multi-layered membership tiers with ease. 

Another really interesting feature is the “Webinars” option, which allows you to create webinars with ease and talk to up to 5000 people in one presentation. 

Kartra has powerful marketing tools such the the “Funnel” and the “Campaigns” options.

You can create funnels, automate them, manage, and track them. You can even simulate them, which is really cool!

The “Campaigns” does what it says and it enables you to choose from the many available free and paid campaigns to boost whatever it is you need — leads, conversions, etc. 

Enhancing Your Kartra Website & Taking It to the Next Level

While Kartra is a super powerful platform, there are some things that it does now have and we would like to offer a way to enhance it beyond its current capabilities — with Common Ninja.  

Common Ninja offers an ever-growing collection of professional and reliable widgets that will help you save time and money and improve your website. Common Ninja’s widgets are free, fully customizable, perfectly responsive, and easy to use, so be sure to check them out. 

Common Ninja — The Only Collection of Widgets You’ll Ever Need 

Building a Website With Kartra — Tips & Tricks

Once you are done building your website with Kartra, you might want to consider following these tips and tricks to make your Kartra website truly stand out. 


Designing a website is no easy task. Choosing the right colors, fonts and other elements is not only an art but a science as well. There’s importance in setting up the font and color scheme for the entire website before constructing it. We recommend reading a little about color theories, font pairings, styles, layouts & accessibility guidelines before venturing into building your website with Kartra. 


Before you start building your website, take the time to plan out your content. This will help you organize your website and create a better user experience for your audience.


Kartra offers a wide range of templates to choose from. Select a template that matches your website’s content and design needs. 

High-Quality Images

While using high-quality, heavy images may seem counterintuitive if you are trying to optimize your website, many services can help you reduce the size, as well as load the images gradually (lazy-loading) to make the loading speed faster. Using high-quality images will help make your website more visually appealing and engaging for your audience.


Avoid cluttering your website with too much content, images, or design elements. Keep it simple and clean, with a focus on your main message and call to action.

Testing & Previewing

Test your website on different devices and browsers to ensure that it looks and functions as intended. Kartra offers a preview function that allows you to see how your website looks on different screens.


We’ve covered this before, but we recommend that you optimize your website, and use Kartra’s built-in SEO tools that can help improve your website’s visibility on search engines. 


Building a website with Kartra is not just about putting together web pages; it's about crafting a digital experience that resonates with your audience. Throughout this guide, we've explored the ins and outs of creating a Kartra website, from the initial setup and design to adding content and optimizing for search engines. 

With Kartra's intuitive platform and comprehensive features, you have everything you need to create a professional-looking website that not only looks great but also performs exceptionally. 

Remember, the key to a successful website lies in continuous improvement and engagement with your audience. Keep analyzing your site's performance, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments to ensure your site remains relevant and effective. With dedication and creativity, your Kartra website will serve as a powerful tool in your digital marketing arsenal, helping you achieve your business goals and connect with your audience like never before.