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Common Ninja: News & Updates — August 2023

Sergei Davidov,
Common Ninja: News & Updates — August 2023

Welcome to our latest "News and Updates" article — the August 2023 edition, where we share exciting developments from our team. 

In this edition, we delve into the world of API Integration, exploring how it's transforming the way our widgets interact with various platforms. We also introduce our AI Content Enhancer, a cutting-edge feature designed to elevate your content creation process. 

We're thrilled to announce our integration with Wix API and Wix Data Collections, further expanding our compatibility with leading web development platforms. In other news, our YouTube channel has hit a milestone with 200 subscribers, thanks to our dedicated community. 

Lastly, we're excited to unveil a host of new widgets and features, each designed to provide you with more versatility and control over your website's functionality. Join us as we explore these updates in more detail.

API Integration

We are excited to introduce our latest feature — the API integration. This powerful tool allows you to connect a Common Ninja widget directly to your API, enabling the widget to pull data dynamically and display live data. This means that your widget will always be up-to-date, reflecting the most recent data from your API in real-time.

This feature is designed to streamline your workflow and enhance the user experience. Instead of manually updating your widget data, the API integration does the heavy lifting for you. It fetches the data from your API and updates the widget automatically. This not only saves you valuable time but also ensures accuracy and consistency in the data displayed on your widget.

AI Content Enhancer

We are delighted to introduce our latest AI-powered feature, the "AI Content Enhancer," as part of our comprehensive widget suite. This innovative tool is designed to streamline the widget creation process, making it more efficient and user-friendly.

Consider a scenario where you're designing a widget and struggling to craft compelling copy that will engage your audience. This is where our AI Content Enhancer steps in. Acting as your personal content assistant, it understands the context of your work and the purpose of your widget, providing you with customized copy suggestions. The tool allows you to specify the tone and length of the content, making it a versatile addition to your creative process.

This feature is our second AI offering this year, demonstrating our ongoing commitment to harnessing the power of AI. We aim to continually innovate and integrate AI capabilities into our platform, enhancing its power and intuitiveness for businesses, agencies, and small to medium-sized businesses.

Wix API / Wix Data Collections

We are excited to announce a significant upgrade to our Wix apps. Common Ninja has successfully integrated with the Wix Data API, marking a major milestone in our commitment to delivering superior no-code solutions for Wix users.

This integration allows you to directly connect your Wix collections to our diverse range of widgets, including Charts, Tables, Progress Bars, and more. The result is a more streamlined workflow, improved efficiency, and an enhanced user experience. You can now use the data from your Wix collections to create dynamic, real-time widgets, making your website or online store more interactive and responsive.

New Milestone: 200 YouTube Subscribers

We are thrilled to announce that we've reached a new milestone in our journey — 200 YouTube subscribers! This achievement is a testament to the growing interest in our content and the strong community we are building together. 

Introducing: New Widgets

Here are our latest widgets: 

Popup Builder - This widget allows you to create and customize popups for your website. It offers a variety of popup types, including email popups, contact form popups, and social popups. It's easy to use and doesn't require any coding skills.

Threads Feed - This widget enables you to embed and display social media threads on your website. It supports multiple platforms, including Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook. It's fully customizable and responsive, ensuring a seamless fit with your website design.

Comments - This widget allows you to add a comments section to your website. It supports threaded comments, upvotes, and downvotes, and includes moderation tools to help you maintain a positive and respectful discussion environment.

Tilted Image - This widget lets you add tilted images to your website, providing a unique and engaging visual effect. It's fully customizable, allowing you to control the tilt angle, direction, and other properties.

Highlighted Headline - This widget allows you to create eye-catching headlines with a highlighted effect. It's fully customizable, allowing you to control the font, color, size, and other properties of your headlines.

Spinning Wheel - This widget allows you to add an interactive spinning wheel to your website. It's perfect for running promotions, giveaways, and other events where you want to add an element of chance.

Currency Converter - This widget allows you to add a currency converter to your website. It supports over 150 currencies and updates exchange rates in real time.

Code Snippets - This widget enhances your technical content by presenting code samples 

with syntax highlighting and line numbering. It's perfect for developers, students, and enthusiasts who want to streamline code presentation and implement code showcases. 

Introducing: New Features

We’ve added new features to the following widgets : 

  • The “Testimonials” Widget: Added the option to trim long quotes and add a 'Read More' button.
  • The “Charts” Widget: Added a new integration with Wix's data collections API. Improved CSV integration, now allowing you to select the X-axis and series fields. Added the option for API integration.
  • The “FAQ” Widget: Added the option for API integration.
  • The “Progress Bar” Widget: Added the option for API integration.
  • The “Numbers Counter” Widget: Added the option for API integration.
  • The “Timeline” Widget: Added the option for Right-to-Left (RTL) support. Added the option for data integrations (CSV, API, Wix collections).
  • All Apps: Added the option for multiple file uploads, allowing you to upload up to 5 images at once. Added the option for SVG uploads in the media gallery.